About Us

We're a small brand made up of two people, who want to share our message with the world.

GrindState's motto is "Embrace the Grind".

A lot of times in our lives we get in ruts, bad patterns, or bad situations - the only way out is just putting our heads down and grinding it out. Instead of complaining and being victims, we solve our problems with initiative. And after we're done, we end up way better.

Whether we start as the skinny dude trying to bulk up in the gym, or the overweight friend who is doing what it takes to shave off those pounds - we all have something in common.

We do something to change our situation.

GrindState is more than a brand - it's a mindset. 


GRINDSTATE - (adj.) A state of being in which you WELCOME DISCOMFORT, #RISEABOVE challenges, and #EMBRACETHEGRIND.